Imaqe of education consultant Alex Neophitou, wearing a lovely navy blue suit with dark red tie and a nice smile on his face.

Alex Neophitou

With over fifteen years experience of teaching and leading in Primary schools, Alex has always endeavoured to support others along the way. Supporting the development of trainee teachers, ECTs and leaders at varying levels, he has worked with staff in both his own setting and across trusts and federations of schools in order to ensure the best outcomes for the children in each setting.

Now, as a consultant, Alex is working with many schools, delivering training, CPD and consultancy in areas such as pedagogical development, leadership development, developing teaching and learning and curriculum.

At New Education Outlook, we hold these key values at the heart of what we do: Collaboration, Communication, Knowledge Development, Support and Innovation.

If you want to find out more about these values and what they mean to us, click the link:

Working with Focus Education he has developed several educational publications, including:

  • Golden Threads in History - Taking your curriculum to the next level

  • Golden Threads in Geography - Taking your curriculum to the next level

  • Teaching Black British History in the Curriculum

  • Let’s Talk - A PSHCE Curriculum

He also delivers online training sessions to support schools across different areas of the curriculum.

If you would like to learn more about the products and services offered at New Education Outlook, follow the link below:

If there is something specific you require support for, such as developing teaching and learning, working on specific curriculum areas, supporting middle/subject leaders or perhaps another aspect of school development, please don’t hesitate to get in touch. You can contact Alex by clicking the link below: