Products and Services
support and training for schools
If you are looking for something specific for your school in terms of curriculum development, Alex has experience in supporting teachers and leaders in schools across a range of areas. He has worked with many schools, delivering INSET and CPD sessions or more bespoke support around leadership, pedagogy, teaching and learning, and curriculum development. Click the link below to find out more.
Alex has written several publications to support leaders, teachers and schools. By clicking the link below you will be able to find out more about these publications.
Training and CPD
Alex delivers a range of online training courses during term time. You can find out more or book onto these courses by clicking the link below. If you see something that you would like delivered on a more bespoke level to your whole school staff, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Alex has also produced several mini clip courses. These are short 30 minute clips that can be used at the start of staff inset sessions or to spark discussions within a specific area of the curriculum.
Any courses that are run are also turned into midi clips. These are longer training clips of around two hours which could be used as part of an inset day or purchased in order to distribute to several staff within the same Primary school.
You can find out more by clicking the link below.