Affiliates and partners

Alex has begun work as a Best Practice Network Associate within their Initial Teacher Training Programme for Primary. He facilitates core training days, delivers Intensive Training And Practice weeks and works directly with students as a Personal Tutor. He is also their subject expert for both history and geography

Focus Education are based in the North West and have been supporting schools for over 30 years by providing training, CPD, consultancy and resources for primary schools across the country and overseas. Alex delivers consultancy and training through and has written a range of publications. Check them out here:

The Learning Challenge Curriculum is Focus’ flagship curriculum. Created with history, geography and science as it’s key drivers, it has become so much more than just lessons and units. It provides progression and mapping for the wider curriculum and is evolving all the time so that primary schools can stay ahead of the game.

If you want to find out more, you can book a demo with Alex here or sign up for a free trial and download three free units:

Currently in development by Alex, in partnership with Claire at Focus Education, Stream CPD is a new ‘netflix style’ platform with a unique approach to delivering CPD. Hoping to launch early spring time, more will be revealed soon…

School Business Manager (UK) is a platform for School Business Managers, Headteachers and senior leaders. Alex is in the process of becoming an ambassador for SBM (UK) who provide a range of services and advice for schools. You can find them on LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram. You can also find New Education Outlook on their marketplace here:

Primary Quiz is an online platform that has been designed and created by Conal Holmes. It provides low stakes quizes in a range of formats for english, maths, science and history. It’s a fantastic resource to be used by primary teachers in lessons, and if you want to know how you can find out more, get in touch here and ask for more info on Primary Quiz:

Tom, Chris and Dave at Accelerate are taking the EdTech world by storm, supporting businesses with developing their networks, content development and so much more. If you are looking to develop your EdTech business, you should be looking to join ‘The Conversation Revolution’!

Alex featured in the second episode of ‘Ed & Tech Live’ hosted by Chris on LinkedIn. It was live at 4pm on Thursday 22nd February 2024. If you missed it, you can view it here: